Single Day Application

Single Day Application
Mix henna paste as specified in henna application page and allow it to release dye overnight
Generally over a night time is sufficient to release the color, apply on the next day morning. mix the henna paste with indigo paste together. Mix your indigo paste just before you are going to apply.Apply to your hair and allow to remain on your hair for 3 hours.A 50/50 henna and indigo mix will typically create the black shades to hair.
This one day application method creates a more gradual coloring of the hair and with each application, your hair will deepen and darken in color. If you chose this first method to cover gray, understand that your white hair may not become completely black with the first application. But with patience and repeated applications, all of your hair will darken to the desired color.

To buy indigo leaves powder(available in 1/2 kg packets also) just send enquiry to