Tuesday, February 28, 2012


All most many people don't like using chemical based hair dyes. Even though knowing the fact that these chemical dyes are harmful and contains ppd which is a chemical that damages the brain in the long run people take risk by dying there hair with these chemical dyes. Recently a case of A british lady who suffered from brain damage by using L'Oreal hair dye brought awareness among people and started getting cautious before using chemical hair dyes. Why taking risk when there is a safest method to dye your hair naturally.In hyderabad almost every person know what is henna,and how it is used to colour your hair. But most people are not aware about Indigo leaves powder, Henna alone cannot give the desired black colour to cover those grey hairs, Henna when used with Indigo leaves powder combination gives a perfect natural looking black colour and covers grey hair naturally.

To get Indigo Leaves Powder directly to your home(Only India), Send payment and intimate us to this email address: vaishnaviherbs@gmail.com

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